Tasty Jain Vegan Recipes for Health > Vegetable Salad with Chutney 1

Vegetable Salad with Chutney 1






  1. Blend all the chutney ingredients adding salt and chilli to taste


  1. Wash and dry the ladyfingers (dry thoroughly to stop them becoming sticky)
  2. Grate the courgette and add to a bowl
  3. Julienne slice the cucumber and mix with courgette
  4. Deseed the sweetcorn and add to the mixture
  5. Cube the peppers and tomato and add to the mixture
  6. Slice the french beans and add to the mixture
  7. Slice the ladyfingers and add to the mixture
  8. Add lime juice to taste and mix all the ingredients well

Serve the salad with chutney on the side

Video Recipe/Pictures

Vegetable Salad with Chutney View 1
Vegetable Salad with Chutney 1